Pogledajte kako izgledaju zaleđeni Nijagarini vodopadi

23/12/2021 14:40

Pogledajte kako izgledaju zaleđeni Nijagarini vodopadi

Nijagarini vodopadi, na granici SAD i Kanade, predstavljaju jedno od najpoznatijih turističkih astrakcija ovde dve zemlje.

Pored same lepote vodopada, činjenice da voda nikada ne prestaje čak ni zimi, vodopadi predstavljaju i jednistvenu prirodni lepotu. Od nedavno, Nijagarini vodopadi privukli su ogromnu pažnju, jer su se zaledili. U nastavku pogledajte kako to izgleda!


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Niagara Falls winter wonderland❄️ • • I’ve always wanted a frozen winter shot here, so of course while planning a weekend in Toronto I had to wish for some snow to make a bus ride down there worth it. What I didn’t plan on was that my wish would turn into arctic temperatures and a winter storm that even Canadians seemed phased by. But regardless of the absurd cold, I don’t think there’s any question that seeing the falls like this was absolutely worth it. I’d say you can make a pretty strong case that winter is the most beautiful time to visit Niagara…of course you’d need to arguing that point to someone who doesn’t mind the cold or snow and doesn’t really want to do most of the tourist attractions that aren’t possible in the winter. Thanks for taking a frozen 4 hour bus ride just to appease my photo bucket list @ja9belfast , you’re the best?. • • #instagood10k #keepitwild #wanderlust #keepexploring #neature #waterfall #chasingwaterfalls #waterfall #waterfallsfordays #lifeofadventure #seekthetrails #letsgosomewhere #amazingtravelbeauty #waterfalls #naturephoto #main_vision #landscape_captures #awesome_earthpix #natureaddict #rsa_rural #awesomeearth #nature_wizards #gottalove_a_ #allnatureshots #instanaturelover #earth_deluxe #niagarafallscanada #journeybehindthefalls #winterwonderland #niagarafallsontario

A post shared by Scott Heaney (@skoat) on

23/12/2021 14:40

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