Nakon 80 godina, stiže nova vrsta čokolade!

11/09/2017 13:32

Nakon 80 godina, stiže nova vrsta čokolade!

Švajcarski gigant kada je čokolada u pitanju “Beri Kalebaut” (“Barry Callebaut”) na tržište je lansirala novu vrstu čokolade.

Nakon mlečnih, belih i crnih čokolada, stiže i četvrta vrsta ovog slatkiša, napravljena od rubinskog kakaoa. Naime, nova čokolada, nazvana Rubi crvene je boje, ali ne sadrži dodatke voća niti veštačke boje.

“RUBY CHOCOLATE” ?There is a new kind of chocolate for the first time in 80 years ?Ruby was invented by swiss chocolatier Barry Callebaut ?Its natural chocolate,it comes with a ruby color & with a taste which is absolutely unique with freshness & fruitiness to it ?It is fourth type of chocolate alongn with dark, milk & white chocolate ?The bright pink chocolate is made from ruby cocoa bean & has no added berry flavour or artificial color ?The chocolate has been in development for 13 years & was unveiled at an even in Shanghai ?Now this is cool & exciting &Tempting right?? Hope it comes to India soon ✌?it will be so much fun working with this beauty #rubycocoa #rubychocolate #pinkchocolate #newaddition#berryflavoured#barrycallebaut#chocolateir #excitingchocolate#fresh#fruity#berrylicious#looksyum

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Inače, poslednji novitet kada je čokolada u pitanju dogodio se davne 1930. godine, kada je omišljena takozvana bela čokolada. Proizvođači se nadaju da će njihov novi prozvod naići na dobar prijem kod ljubitelja čokolade.

11/09/2017 13:32

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